Friday, October 8, 2010

Aubrey is 2 Months Old!

Tuesday was Aubrey's 2 Month Checkup, and she is PERFECT!

She weighed 7.9 lbs at birth and is now 11.6 lbs (50th-75th percentile).
She was 19.5 inches at birth and is now 24.25 inches (92nd percentile). Wow! She grew 4.75 inches!!
Her head circumference today is 38cm ( 25th-50th percentile).

She had 3 shots today, which she really did great with, considering how much Mrs. Pat (our precious nurse) said it hurt!

AND of course, I think she looked like a DOLL! It does kill me how that I get her all dressed up to go to the doctor, then strip her off just before he comes in! We love Dr. Chupp, and we think it's so special that he knows all about our kids and truly loves them, too!

Here is what Aubrey is up to at 2 months old:

She is still nursing exclusively and gaining weight. She is pretty much on a nighttime schedule, as well. She goes to bed at between 9 and 10 and wakes up to eat around 3-4 usually. Then, she typically stays in the bed with us until morning when I wake up to get Annaleigh ready for school. At night, and even occasionally during the day, she needs to be swaddled to help her fall asleep. We thank the individual who invented the "Swaddle Me" blanket! It has been a lifesaver, or a sleepsaver! Aubrey does take a pacifier occasionally, but she is particular about what kind she likes...the rest she gags and spits out! She loves to be in her swing most of the time, but that's not always the case. I can tell when I lay her down if she's going to stay there for any length of time or not. She does NOT like any kind of bouncy seat! We have one from Alden that vibrates (which he also didn't like) and she won't stay in it 5 minutes for me to shower! We bought a new-fangled one last week that actually bounces on its own....and she hates it, too! Maybe she'll like it when she gets older. I also have a sling/carrier thing that I use on occasion, and she likes it pretty well. I think that about covers it! We are still just loving every minute of her and wishing she would stay little forEVER!

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