Friday, July 23, 2010

3D Ultrasound

I know this is terribly behind, but better late than never! While Jason was home between his National Guard trip and Italy, we had our 3D Ultrasound. It was supposed to be done between 28-32 weeks, and we just made it in under the deadline at 32 weeks exactly! We didn't have a 3D done with Alden because we were really nervous about accidentally finding out the sex of the baby...we had waited that long and didn't want to see something we weren't supposed to by mistake! With this baby, they assured us that the technology is even better now than 4 years ago, and they would just focus on the face, staying away from the important parts!

This was my favorite shot. I like that you can see its little eyebrows here! This precious baby did not want to cooperate with the sonographer, and I was forced to lie on that really comfortable table for well over an hour and a half! To her credit, the sonographer was so sweet, and she was determined that I would get some good pictures!

For a 3D Ultrasound to work, you have to think in opposites. If you want a 3D shot of the baby's face straight on, then the sonographer has to get the baby in view in 2D as a profile shot. Consequently, if you want a profile shot in 3D, then the 2D shot has to be straight on. Confusing, I know! The point here is that you never see any straight on shots in 3D! That meant the baby was looking directly at the probe in 2D and refused to be photographed in any other way. Is this an indication of a stubborn streak?

This one has its little nose all crunched up (she called this just "ultrasound junk"), but I think it's sweet because you can see that its little cheeks are pulled back pretty tight like it's smiling!

This looks like a happy baby!

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