Monday, December 27, 2010

Aubrey is 4 Months Old!

...and I am very late at blogging about it!

Needless to say, as Aubrey gets older, finding time to blog about her has become a challenge! That, combined with the Christmas season has made me fall into a blogging hiatus, intentionally or not.

These pictures was taken after church on December 5th, the day she turned 4 months old.

So Aubrey Jill, what are you up to these days? Well, first of all, you and I are enjoying our last days at home together since I go back to work after the first of the year! I have loved being at home with you and Alden, but I am just better at everything when I am working. I also miss my kids at school, so I will be ready to get back to what I LOVE to do, which is teaching. I am also secretly excited because I saved my favorite part of science for when I return to work...Space! (I know, I'm a nerd.)

The last few weeks have been sort of like living in the Twilight Zone around here as far as Aubrey is concerned. You know that thing I said when she was 3 months about her sleeping all night? Well, bragging was apparently a mistake! Aubrey went through a stage for about 3 weeks that had her Daddy and I about to pull our hair out! She would finally go to sleep with us rocking her around 11pm to 12 AM (!!!), but when we would lay her in her bed, she would immediately wake up and begin to scream. I tried to let her cry it out for about 10 minutes while I spoke gently to her...what a joke! She was running this show and she wasn't going to have it. We finally were able to get her to sleep in her vibrating bouncy seat, so that was her spot for a week or so. By some miracle, she broke out of the bad habit and is back in her bed, but I won't discuss how well she's doing now for fear of the curse of the brag. She is also still sleeping in her swaddle blanket. I asked our doc about getting her out of it, and he said we probably should be moving toward that...until I mentioned that she's like a little Houdini and always manages to get her thumb to her mouth somehow! He said we should keep her swaddled to prevent her from becoming a full-on thumb sucker! I have to agree.

At Aubrey's 4 month checkup, she received 2 shots and got all of her statistics taken. She weighed 13.4 pounds, which is about the 50th percentile. Her height was astounding though...not really, because all of my children have been really LONG...but she was 26.5 inches...the average height for a 7 month old! She is now completely out of any 3-6 month clothing and has moved into some 6 month, but mostly 9 month outfits.

She is still nursing exclusively, meaning no formula, but starting some solid foods, as well. So far, she has liked sweet potatoes, and really seems to love carrots and prunes. I have tried peas and green beans, but she doesn't seem too crazy about those. I have decided to leave off fruits for a while (for the most part), but I have let her try peaches as a treat! She also eats table food (I am a Southern girl, what can I say?) so she has been indoctrinated to gravy, grits, mashed potatoes, and a little ice cream.

She is absolutely the happiest baby. She loves her brother and sister and seems to be smiling all the time. These smiles are so precious, because they are so big, her little eyes have to squint shut so her cheeks can spread out! She is rolling all over the place and will be sitting up before long. I am trying to keep her little as long as I can, but it doesn't seem to be working!

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